Registration Complete!
Thank you for your commitment to prayer! Be ready early October when the Pray First Responder program gets started!
Pray First Responders is a way to make a difference in America as you join in prayer with others, wherever you are. We encourage you to invite family, friends, and church members to join. They can text INFO to 772911 for full information.
Who can join?
You and everyone who prays! We encourage you to invite family, friends, and church members to join. They can text INFO to 772911 for full information. (U.S. and Canadian cell phone numbers only at this time.)
How does it work?
We use the largest text messaging providers for near-instant sending, and we are ready to send alerts with important prayer needs, within minutes, to millions of cell phones across the country.
When can I expect my first text message?
You will receive an immediate response confirming that you are now a Prayer First Responder. Regular text notifications will begin early October when the system goes live.
What should I do when I receive a call to prayer message?
When a prayer text message arrives on your phone, take the matter before the Lord. You will be joining a vast community of prayer warriors who received the same message and praying with you at the same time.
What if I prefer to receive email?
If you are signed up to receive daily and/or weekly emails from the prayer team, those will continue with no interruption. This is simply a new service aimed at providing timely prayer needs to your fingertips as quickly and effectively as possible. Email can sometimes be slowed by service providers, or even blocked, and this service will ensure unfiltered delivery.
How often will I get a text message?
You may receive 1 or 2 per week, with up to 8 messages per month. Messages will be limited to local daytime hours.
Are there any fees?
This is a free service for all who participate, and most cell phone providers offer free texting. We trust God’s people will see the impact value this service and support our costs – as they have over the past 22 years.
What if I need to stop for any reason?
You can opt-out at any time by simply replying STOP to 772911. And you can rejoin again later at your convenience.
If you have any unanswered questions or thoughts, please Contact Us here.
A Ministry of The Presidential Prayer Team
The Pray First Network is a portfolio of tools, platforms, and resources designed to create an active prayer lifestyle. The Presidential Prayer Team believes it is vitally important to pray first before making major decisions about our lives and our country, with the goal of helping people understand the will of God through prayer.
Contact Information:
- PHONE: 866-433-7729 (or 833-240-7729)
- MAILING: P.O. Box 4140, Scottsdale, AZ 85261
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